Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Firebrand & Stimulating:LA meets my dream come true!

LA told me about her today.About her choices in life - Vice President,20th Century Fox and manage the finances of a $20 million projects, something else and Rupert Murdoch's fund management for his MySpace adventures. He met her before her interview with the old guy.By far the most brilliant person LA has met in his life. And LA has met people - Steven Levit, Fidel Castro, Friedman are his personal friends."Harvard" was written all over her face. Intelligence was oozing out.

And then it came.

2000 similarities with you. The way she talks,smiles,looks - her background. She's from Jadavpur University.

What are you hinting at, LA?
May your dream come true!

Memo Stick

I love the concept- "Memo Stick"

I was flipping through the newspaper hurriedly as I normally do in the morning. There I saw - in the right hand top corner,"You can stick this ad anywhere. Even in your customer's mind."

Introducing MemoStick. Prominent, easy-to-peel-off and difficult to forfet advertising. Especially suitable for sales and promotions of direct mailing. Available in sa standard size of 7.2 cm X 7.2 cm, in 4 color.

Quite creative I should say, Times of India!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Dating Oursourced!!

Took a break from office today. LA is traveling back from the Apple. I prefer working from home when LA is not around - the office is too disruptive.Actually its disruptive with or without LA, but presence of LA makes up for all other kinds of loss. Two minutes of LA can propel you two years closer to Nirvana.That's LA. And I'm not overstating. Like him or hate him, he has proved his mettle - demonstrated his ability.Firebrand. Stimulating. And to think he only sleeps 4 hours!


Anyway - the day started with a debate - captive vs BPOs, insourcing vs outsourcing.She was with GE's captive BPO for 4 years till GE became GENPACT and started opening the gates to a bigger world. She works for WNS. I asked WNS who? She called me an ignorant pro-captive! NASDAQ has called WNS one of the best BPO's in the world. Ok. OK. Actually - while Bangalore is the Silicon Valley, Gurgaon is the BPO valley.My friend is from Gurgaon. Huh - what vocabulary we have these days - captive model and cost centers'! I was telling her about this - dating.Outsourced!!!

Yeah! You're right.The hype over and the similar ultimately brings in more work to India. Certain BPO's handle the actual profile matching. So beware. You never know if your neighbor Sunita is creating a match for you for the profile that you submitted while you were on that short trip. Yeah - that was a real poor joke.At the billing rate of $12, these employees make matches and send some 50 matches for the $19 paid to register in the website. All's well. But - ignorance is not bliss. Many profiles are submitted with celebrity photographs.And our brothers and sisters from Tier II cities, from where these offices mostly run, are not very familiar with the faces of celebrities.So an obese Margaret Eliot can borrow Sarah Jessica Parker's face to fix up a date! Bummer! But the management has found a solution - once a week a celebrity familiarity training is given to these employees so that they stay current with celebrity faces! Heard about staying current with technology skills!Oh - what a training!

To write or not to write!

Yeah. That was the question.A few posts down the line my blog reflects my immature control over facts and figures and cynicism! After reading a few blogs of my very critical friends - I thought I should not continue creating more posts here. I will draw to many critical appreciations, with all malice and cynicism.

But finally decided against it. Well - I know those brats will laugh at my immaturity (the melodrama over Starbucks.. why did I ever write it!!), so what!! So, like Veronica decides to die, Suwansiri decides to write. And seriously.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Another impulsive shot at life!

Yeah - my life is pretty impulsive. Ofcourse there's a good and a bad to it. Impulses like this one is good - the impulse to write. What caused those impulses - Red River to a big extent, and then in a funny way R's visit to Stanford campus. Only in the morning LA messaged to tell me that he's met someone like, but only from HBS! And that he's never met someone so firebrand and stimulating! HUH! I also flipped through the albums of some of old school friends in the social networking site - "Orkut". Pretty faces, big jobs, bright careers!Life's good!

What do I lack? Probably its human nature, inclination to know it all, do it all. And that's the reason for my impulses all the time.

Someday I want to stpe on the threshold of HBS. Someday. That's what I live for!