Saturday, July 26, 2008

The thoughts in the evening after the serial blasts - 8 in Bangalore & 16 in Ahmadabad...

Where do I start? Yesterday 8 blasts in Bangalore and today 16 blasts in Ahmadabad. What’s has come to be of this country? I had told my family earlier during one of these terror attacks that they should wind up work by afternoon and be home, but the Bangalore blasts in the vicinity of 1:45 PM has now reduced the “working day” approved by me by many hours. Obviously this is not a sustainable approach!
When today, my sister, and the person I protect the most in life mentioned randomly about a mall which she frequents to go for movies, I experienced discomfort. But obviously – that’s a response of an unhealthy mind.
I must teach my family to maintain the fine balance – remain rational. And hence, I must be rational myself. I must welcome “positive” thoughts, and make “positive” thoughts a habit. I must discipline myself to cultivate positive thoughts, to make them a way of life. I must embody all those little lessons of life that I want my family to learn and reflect on. My family includes – Ma, Deta and Munu. Hopefully R will also belong there someday soon. I’ve been trying to make this “outsider” a part of my life – marriage can’t at all be a day or an event; it’s a process and I’m going through it. There are some others in my life – my dogs – who are the causes of my happy being, but then I since I know I control the decisions in their lives and their circumstances to a large extent, I worry less about them. I know I will take care of them – there are other things that I’m unsure of, there are circumstances that I can’t control. And that’s why perhaps I decided to have faith, faith can work wonders. I’m not yet skilled enough to debate the existence of “God”. And till I’m proved otherwise, I will continue to believe in that someone – my Krishna. If this human body which only needs air and water and food to sustain can feel for a dog getting drenched to the bones on the road – there has to be something; there is an overall spirit. I believe in you, Krishna. You control destiny; you’re destiny.
Today I was reading Randy Pausch’s blog; he passed away yesterday – July 25th. What an irony, I had been thinking of him but only came to read when he was no more. But what a heroic life.
As I was going through the day’s activities – I decided/reflected that creating fear in my family’s minds and rushing them home and trying to seal them from the sun will not help the situation. It’s about enabling them; making their minds strong. It’s about positive feelings. Let me repeat it, once again, they will do fine – my mind is clear, thoughts are positive – they will do fine. They will think. They will create impacts by being rational, positive, well-rounded human beings. I will become one. And I will influence them to be.
Positive thoughts rule; Rhonda Byrne – thank you! My positive thinking will bring changes. I will work with circle of influence, and reduce my circle of concern.
Barkha Dutt reported from Siachen; Indu roams around the world, Red River is climbing the Kilimanjaro. I want my family to go out and chase the sun – to see the world. I want such a world for them? How do I make it happen? I must have a way – each of us will have to play our own roles.
And in the meanwhile, I’m beginning the exercise of getting into B-School. Yes – I need the degree. More now than ever. I’ve been thinking of a business model centred around the community for a long time now. Various factors seemed to act as the “headfakes” (Randy used this word in his book “The last Lecture” – protect the local art and hence the identity, opportunity to us my creative bent of mind, play with designs, cloros and so on. But the reality is a community centred business will perhaps try to cure some of the deep-rooted causes of incidents like the one in Bangalore and today in Ahmadabad. (Let me tell you this – just when the victims from the first round of blasts arrived in the hospital, second round of blasts occurred in the hospitals. How base immoral acts! How can “human” beings plan such horrible acts of violence?) Perhaps that’s my secret desire – to solve the situation. Perhaps I would have fled like many who fled their place birth to avoid the tension, but I guess I’m thinking today I’ve no option. I’m bound to think for I want to protect my family. And I can’t seal my family from the community – I’ve to heal the community to protect my family.
Today from the evening I’ve been thinking what separates me from them – why am I the way I’m and they are the way they are. Yes – there are certain things that can’t be changed. I was amongst those who won the parent lottery when I was born. But there are host of other things – the books that I read, the examples of heroes in the family, in my immediate society I looked up to, the school I attended, my friends – well many things. Things still boil down to economic enablement to buy the books one wants to read and so on, good education and abundance of role-models. Mostly, I think it’s the lack of the right role models that create negative energies.
But why business with a social cause has to be mirrored on the framework to sustain a community with – why should the culture, arts and crafts of a community be sustained?
Now I don’t believe in non-profit. Business has to be profitable. Only profitable business is sustainable. I work to earn a living, and so will the people working in my organization. That’s reason number one.
Reason number two like individuals, each community also has its strengths – progress will happen when the strengths are maximised. We produce great silk – lets create the market for such silk; lets create the demand for the silk that’s produced in our community – we will do a better job creating silk than making softwares. Maximise strengths.
And yes – why not for the mere cause of preserving our arts and crafts – these are evidence of our evolution, we can go up only from our foundation – we need the foundation. We need our sense of self.
How will by organization based on leveraging community skills “cure” the community – jobs for many, coaching, mentoring, role models, exposure, education.
I’m thinking of doing all this because I love my family, and I want to protect them, nurture them, show them a happy world. I will not lie there. And I’m not wrong each of us belong somewhere – that could be a start.
After “punching” and not typing as Mr. Forrester says in “Finding Forrester”, I’m feeling a lot better. Calmed Relaxed. My psychic RAM is not over flooded with million threads of thoughts. I will remember to be practical, rational. I will always think win/win.
And like Randy says –“Live a life of good Karma, dreams will come to you”. That’s the only option to live life – good karma, good action. Peace is guaranteed.
Krishna give me strength to focus.

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