Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Hurrah Obama! Audacity of hope!

Yup - the first projections are out... Obama is all set to win the very important battleground state of Pennsylvania, and hence all set to win the elections. And I can't hide my excitement. I almost risked my position yesterday in a meeting with conservatives - but Obama did it. And by doing it, he gave hope to the likes of me - several thousand miles away!

Why did I wake up 5 AM to see the CNN update? Why does Obama's win mean so much to me? For Obama is a testimony to the fact - if you have a dream, you can do it. Thank you, Obama. I don't have political affinity or preference to any of the American parties - but I do know Senator Obama had all that it takes to lead. Impeccable character. Honest. Calm. Inclusive. Progressive. Fair. Charming.Inspiring. That's what is needed in the world today - an unifying force.

Obama - audacity of hope.

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