Saturday, November 08, 2008

Life is in control if you forget worrying about death

Is it because of the fear of leaving the world without the story being told? May be. With the current uncertainties, may this is the way. But life is in control if you forget worrying about death. And that's how it should be.

The other day my kid sister had a bad dream. Little girl - she called me up and shared her dream. She was disturbed. I told her what I had discovered myself - that there is hope. And I told her good that she had the dream, atleast now she knows some thoughts were buried in her system somewhere and now are being expressed. The key is to wash those thoughts away from the system. They are just extra baggage. Obviously she told me - "Yeah Ba, I know. I will be fine. Its just the situation in Assam, and Maa & Deta live their alone". I remembered Rhonda Bryne and I told her, think good, you will get good. And I believe in it strongly. There's hope. Make best of life. Live it without worries. I believe in the strength of my prayers.

I felt bad for her. She lives alone.I need to do more than just think. Love you sis.

And then I remembered my own paranoia. The blasts in India had left me completely disturbed. But somehow, I have hope now. Its very immature to be so obsessed with Obama. But his win has given me hope. If nothing else, I've a direction in life. Focus. And sometimes you need those forces in life.Someone who is testimony to the fact that anything is possible, if the intention is right and there is sincerity and hardwork.

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